I wish I was standing a little bit more to the left. I wish there wasn’t such a breeze flapping the balloons around. I wish I’d realised the potential comedy I was capturing rather than the happy accident I came out with. But sometimes happy […]
All posts tagged “Bahrain in Photos”
Photo 10/52 | Hello there
Waiting in a tiny tailor’s shop in Manama souq. The guy cleaning in the sandwich shop across the way couldn’t help but stare. It’s common for folks to simply stare, in Bahrain. All you can do is look back, smile, pick up your camera, and […]
December 2018 | Manama, Bahrain
Just like any other morning. With a veil of haze floating in the air. I can’t remember whether the haze was fog or dust. Whichever it was, it’s an atmosphere I love to capture.
Photo 5/52 | A Tiny Town
This tiny town, slowing growing month by month. There’s something new out there seemingly every day. Count the cranes and you’ll think, just how much more is to come in this small area? I wonder what it’ll look like in another 6 months.
January 2019 | Manama, Bahrain
Fade to black. On a hazy, mysterious, dusty night. The horizon fades to nothing on days when the weather report is “widespread blowing dust”. These sorts of days drive me, equally, to want to huddle under blanket and wait til everything “blows” over and get […]
January 2019 | Manama, Bahrain
It’s not just noise. It’s dust. Thick and heavy in the air. It makes the landscape look like something from another planet. Or possibly another time. In this case, definitely another planet. From the roof of the building, it looks like this scene was from […]
Photo 4/52 | Pre-Sunset Glow
The weather has been all over the place in the last few days. Stunningly warm winter days with hazy, cloudy skies. The kind of haze that lingers through the day and dissipates at night. And then three days later, the temperature drops seven degrees and […]
January 2019 | Manama, Bahrain
A dust storm blew in on this day. From out of nowhere, the sky turned orange. I looked up from my laptop during the day, and it was as if someone was shining a very bright orange light through the window. At night, all the […]
Photo 1/52 | Juffair, Bahrain
This year I wanted to do another 365 project, where I take a photo every day. As much as I love looking back at a year’s worth of photos, I remembered how stressful taking a photo every single day can be. Still wanting to do […]