Another year and another 365 project. I’m running a little late with this mosaic for last month, but least it’s finally here: I think this will be my most travelled month this year. And it’s only the first month. For the first few days I […]
All posts tagged “Monthly Mosaic”

Project 365: December
Made to the end of the year without missing a day! Spent a lot of the month in Portugal and the rest of the month doing various things to make sure I’d get myself to Portugal with plenty to do there. Well least there are […]

Project 365: November
How is it December already? November’s steam-rolled past ad I’m looking at the end of the year already. This is a little bit unnerving. This hasn’t been a terribly inspiring month. Looking back at the flickr set for November I’m not too happy with overall […]

Project 365: October
Another month has strolled on by in the blink of an eye. Only a couple more months to go in 2010. That fact alone scares me just a little bit. It feels like just yesterday when I started doing this year’s 365. It’s been another […]

Project 365: September
September has flown past. I think that’s how the rest of the year’s going to go – in the blink of an eye. Had plenty to do each of the weekends, but struggled for photos during the week. There was 1 theatre trip, a concert, […]

Project 365: August
Clearly I’ve found it hard re-posting my daily photo here as well as Flickr, so figured I’d do a monthly recap of my favourite photos per month. I can’t believe it’s August and I’ve not missed a day of my 365 project this year! Well, […]