I’ve decided to open up shop on tumblr. Again. I tried it briefly, but then it just faded into non-existence.
Lord knows what exactly I’m going to do there. But I’ve found myself wandering over to tumblr a lot of times looking at photos, design stuff and getting a bit of inspiration from over there. Not to mention looking at crazy animated gifs and douchery on the London underground.
So, if you’re on tumblr, let me know – I’d love to add you! Or follow you. Or whatever it is you do to someone else on tumblr. Hmm.
I don’t use Tumblr but it seems like it’s a great place for posting/sharing photography 😀
It’s definitely got its uses. That’s probably the most popular!
I’m not on tumblr, but I’m following you on Twitter 🙂
BTW, I see you’re reading a Feast for Crows… What do you think about it so far?
I’m asking ’cause I actually found kind of boring. A Storm of Swords was mind-blowing, I was really expecting more form this one.
I’m on A Dance with Dragons right now. Page 400 and nothing has really happened yet. I’m kind of worried :S
A Storm of Swords was definitely mind-blowing, but I remember it being a bit of a slow build to the mind blowing stuff. I’m about a quarter of the way through A Feast for Crows and nothing groundbreaking has happened yet. Hmm, hope it’s not running out of steam!
You know Jaina, Tumblr is great for getting a back-links to your home blog posts. Consider it as ‘self syndication.’ Just as long as you post an original post now and again. The format is weird, I agree. But its simple and easy for micoblogging.
I’ve set up some auto posts using ifttt.com, get posts cross posting from here to tumblr with the links, definitely one of the reasons I wanted to start tumbling. Just trying to reach a little further with the blog 🙂
I actually just started using it, too. I tried last year with no luck, but I decided this time to make a tumblr for Shibuya (trying to turn that into a place I love again), and so far so good. 🙂
Let me know who you are over there 🙂 If you don’t mind one extra stalker!
Hah, I beat you to the punch and started stalking you, first! 😉 I’m bowie-chan. I’m thinking of getting a fandom-only tumblr, though.
I did that at one point, but I couldn’t handle all the twitters, blogs and tumblrs! Just got a little too much. Might build it up later, but for now I am going to try and keep things simple!