I’ve been patiently waiting for the weather to cool down enough to where I can be outside comfortably during the day, for an extended period of time, without having a river of sweat streaming down my back. Almost there.
Regardless, last weekend I took a short boat ride with a couple of friends to Bu Maher Fort. Built in 1840, Bu Maher Fort is the first stop along the historical pearling path that Bahrain as known for. A path that flows through Muharraq, that one day I’ll follow along.
The boat ride to the fort is a little less than five minutes long. And probably the best part of the trip. It’s interesting getting to see the skyline from afar. A skyline that’s continually changing. Also—boat—nothing beats being in a speed boat for any amount of time in glorious sunshine.
After arriving at the fort you’ve got about 15-20 minutes to explore the little fort and little museum, before the boat leaves. The museum outlines the pearling trail, which Bu Maher Fort is a part of. That is pretty much it.
For just BHD 1, it’s totally worth it. I’d love to go again, perhaps before sunset to catch one of those gorgeous Bahraini sunsets. And as it turns out, I’m a sucker for a five-minute boat ride.
Going along in a speed boat in sunny weather, I would prob feel like I was in an episode of Miami Vice 🙂 Sounds like you had a fun trip. I particularly like the picture of the pier with the skyscrapers in the background. Piers are just great visual motifs. Reminds me of “A woman on a pier” video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05uR2qPUsqg
I really, REALLY need to get around to watching that film one day!
And thank you 🙂 It was a fun little trip.
I don’t think it will ever cool down in Cambodia. I’m sweltering these days as the Northern Hemi enjoys fall and cooler weather. So jealous. I think I need to be in a colder climate again. Miss it.
Your pics look delish as usual. I would imagine the water was the best part. Something magical about being in a boat and flying over water.
I was so tempted to jump off the boat to enjoy some of the cool water! It’s funny, I live on an island yet have never been to a beach here—mostly because there are barely any nice public ones. Ah well.
You’re going to hate me now, Lani, but it’s got a lot cooler. Mid to low 70s during the day now. Loving it.