Is there any other scene that doesn’t immediately scream “Arizona desert” than this one? Three to four different types of cacti and some warm, morning sunlight. Yes, this is a very pleasing scene for me. Counting down the days to cooler weather and more outdoor […]
All posts tagged “arizona”

The greenest I’ve seen (in summer)
That day, wandering around the neighbourhood it struck me just how green everything was. Sure, the Sonoran Desert has been dubbed the greenest desert in the world. But with the recent rainfal, everything looks so much more green and lush. Whether it’s the hillsides and […]

This is the way
Picture this. You’ve got the day off. Weather is unseasonably cool. It rained last night. Humidity has set in in. But it’s still below 90F. What do you do? What else do you do but go out for a much-needed long and windy walk around […]

That winter, evening sun
A bit strange talking about winter while it’s over 100F outside. Or maybe this is the perfect time to be reminscing about winter days? Evening walks when there’s a slight chill in the air and the shadows grow long. As I write this, I’m chuckling […]

In the shadows
Wanted to share another occasion where the photo I had in mind mind didn’t exactly happen. And I’m not exactly pleased with this shot, but there are elements of it I don’t hate. I wanted to emphasize the light streaming through the tree branches more. […]

A stone’s throw away
Waiting for the day when I’ll stop being amazed that these sort of views and sights are just a stone’s throw away. That’s downtown Phoenix in this image, taken from South Mountain. The wonderful thing about South Mountain is how accessible this view from it […]

Covered, head to toe
On 5th Street and Garfield Street, you’ll find this house. It’s covered in graffiti. You can barely see an inch of this house’s original paint colour. I have no idea about the history of this house. Why is it covered in graffiti? Who owns it? […]

Coming soon in Phoenix
Keeping on with this Phoenix theme in posts this week. Because I have a lot of photos of this quite lovely city I want to share. Downtown Phoenix is seemingly always in-flux. New buildings going up. Empty lots seemingly getting filled. It’s great to see. […]

That high-top
Landscape in black and white? Sure, why not. Going back to something I mentioned earlier this week—I dig highly textured black and white imagery. And in this image that’s contrasted with the smoothness and significant less contrast-y sky. Why did I choose a black and […]