Today’s photo is looking a lot like yesterday’s me thinks…
All posts tagged “Portugal”

Project 365 2013/14: Day Twenty Seven
The temperature just keeps getting higher and higher here. In the mid-30s degrees C today. Nice and toasty. It just about gets to 30 degrees by about 7pm which is when I like to go look for things to take photos of.

Project 365 2013/14: Day Twenty Six
It’s not some great independence day where I am. It’s just the 4th of July. Like any other day in July. So no fireworks. No celebrations. Just a drive to the lake at Santa Clara for a walk and a gander. And then back in […]

Project 365 2013/14: Day Twenty Four
Apologies for the second sunset photo in almost as many days. I just couldn’t help myself here. After dinner, walking back to the car and this is what I see across the cliff tops here in Carvoeiro in Portugal. It’s all very pretty.

Project 365 2013/14: Day Twenty Three
Successfully made it to July in this 365 Project without skipping a day. Woo! Just need to keep this up.

Project 365 2013/14: Day Twenty Two
So this is part of the inside of home here in Portugal. The corridor part of it. It’s a fairly long building, what with it being a farmhouse/barn conversion-y thing.

Project 365 2013/14: Day Twenty One
Still don’t quite know how to take a good photo of a sunset. Photos of them always look radically different to what my eye see. Well of course it will, the eye and brain are sort of amazing at doing their jobs. Camera lenses aren’t […]

Project 365 2013/14: Day Eighteen
Yep, I’m in a whole other country today. And will be until the 9th July. Back in Portugal for a bit of … reflection maybe? And for some much-needed sun. The summer in England is, frankly, useless. How could I turn down my mum when […]

Talking yourself out of a tip
The other day me, the mum and the dad all treated ourselves to a very lovely dinner at Mussiene, a rather nice local restaurant. Very nice. A lot posher than the usual local restaurants around here. They have an amuse bouche course! Don’t know whether […]