Try cooking something new, he said

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Doing the usual grocery shopping last week, the OH told me to buy some vegetable I’ve never cooked before. Now the thing is, Tesco’s never got a massive variety of vegetables. Combine that with the fact that I’ve cooked with a fair few different things, my hopes on finding something new (That wasn’t a turnip, because what am I going to do with that) weren’t high.

Well, I found something. Vaguely new. Well, properly new. Cavalo nero! Definitely haven’t cooked that before.

The question of what to make with cavalo nero came up and wasn’t answered until Sunday. Another suggestion from the OH – minestrone soup. I hold my hands up – it’s not something I really wanted to make. My experience of minestrone soup is a weird mix of pasta, tomato-y soup something and random vegetables. Not good. But I was convinced it came be something awesome.

And it was…

Minestrone Soup

Minestrone Soup with Krisprolls

Recipe was an ad-hoc deal with what vegetables and ingredients I had in my kitchen combined with what I wanted in the soup. It amounted to carrots, onions, potatoes, fresh tomatoes, cavalo nero, bay leaf, thyme, borlotti beans and broken up pasta. Chunky, not watery and weirdly tomato-y, and delicious.

Krisprolls are the perfect dipping companion. (Though, if I’m honest, I’d eat Krisprolls with anything.)

I do also have about a week’s worth of the stuff left over. Anyone? Help yourself!


    • Cavalo nero is a type of kale. Which we rarely get here in England. So getting cavalo nero was a bit more special.

    • It wasn’t like any I’ve had either! I wasn’t all too keen on making it in the beginning. In my head minestrone soup is all water, and vaguely tomatoey and just not all that lush. This was chunky, deep flavors, yummy.

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