August is going to whizz by. I can just feel it.
Jaina (July 2014)
Do you ever have those months that are pretty jam-packed and busy, that you forget just how much you did in the month? Last month, in August, the OH and I were just “reminiscing” about when we moved into our new place, after we got back from our holiday to Belgium. “Reminiscing” because it was only 2 weeks before that we actually moved!
Time has flown by and it feels like a lot has been accomplished in August. A very good feeling.
Highlights from August:
- Moving to our new flat. It was pretty exhausting, but feels more like home than our previous flat, and we’ve barely been here a month.
- Holiday in Belgium! Getting to escape the Bahrain heat for a few days, taking some time off work, getting to see a few bit of a whole new country and spending time with family.
- Off the back of this, getting some more of my stuff from England. I have my jeans again! Which I can only just fit into..
- Doing some new things for work on some emails I’ve been working on. Feels good to stretch myself there.
- Getting more active – hitting the gym and squash courts. Getting exercise = good. Though, boy does it hurt a little bit.
- Going bowling and beating the OH. I suck at bowling. Usually.
Day 213 August starts with boxes. And the realisation that most of our worldly goods are from the kitchen.
Day 214 WE HAVE WINDOWS! Glorious glorious windows.
Day 215 Our sea view from our new living room. Man, it’s nice to have a view. This will be the focal point of too many 365 photos from here on out. Apologies.
Day 216 Got the important bits out of the boxes and in a, more or less, suitable place – THE BOOZE.
Day 217 Squinting my eyes and looking out the window in the living room. It is rather pretty at night.
Day 218 Finally received this in the mail from jolly ol’ England. Thank you Mel!
Day 219 Watching The Great British Bake Off is my own way of keeping a little bit of England with me.
Day 221 Because this is the best beer we could find. This is a sad sad day.
Day 222 Match time! First time watching with a newly created official Arsenal fan club in Bahrain. Happy days. PS. Yes, all pubs in Bahrain are this dark.
Day 223 The “city” view is what we like to call this. Sea view is the other side. Quite like this. Something about seeing the rooftops of villa after villa.
Day 224 While we didn’t get a Super Moon here, we did get rather a large moon.
Day 225 The booze has a new home. A better home. And I think it looks pretty happy in there.
Day 227 Holiday time! Leaving Bahrain to go to Abu Dhabi to go to Brussels.
Day 228 Yes, beer is why we have come to Brussels.
Day 229 Afternoon sit down in a little cafe in Brussels called Les Gens Que J’aime. The lighting caught my eye and the photo on the right kept me amused.
Day 230 A day of much, much walking and travelling. First up we hit Bruges, then Ghent. Walked from the station, along the canal, to the main historical part of Ghent. Well worth the long walk.
Day 231 Our first taste of traditional lambic beer at the Cantillon Brewery, after a walk around the place. And will definitely be the last. That beer is SOUR as!
Day 232 Last day in Brussels, with the last few hours spent drinking beers and eating quiche, in Moeder Lambic. As is always the case, it’s a place where we should have gone way before. Ah well.
Day 233 CHOCOLATES! One of the souvenirs bought from Brussels. I knew I wanted to eat/buy/bring back some chocolates from the trip, but had my heart set on Yuzu in Ghent. Unfortunately it was closed the one day we were in Ghent, so headed to the second option – Pierre Marcolini in Brussels. NOT DISAPPOINTED.
Day 234 More souvenirs from holiday. Well, “souvenirs”. Coasters from Moeder Lambic that “fell” into my bag. To be fair, they’re made of cardboard and won’t last long!
Day 235 Out for dinner.
Day 236 Hitting up the bowling alley for the first time in Bahrain. And I didn’t suck. Not just that, but actually came first in the second game!
Day 237 CHEESEBOARD! We’ve got some left over cheese from Belgium and I was surprised with this lovely sight for lunch today. Sometimes, it’s pretty good working from home. All cheeses are sheep or goat cheeses, bought from Catherine, owner of Chez Catherine in Brussels. Lovely lady. Didn’t speak much English, but helped us a bunch with picking some lovely cheeses.
Day 238 The ridiculous levels of humidity is giving me a bouffant I’ve never experienced before. Nothing will tame this mane.
Day 239 Still getting used to the fact that sunset is ridiculously early here, compared to the UK. Lights on at around 5:30pm, especially when I’m working.
Day 240 Some days all I want for dinner is fucking big salad.
Day 241 The windows up here are … pretty filthy. On the outside! Makes for taking photos out of them a little tricky.
View all of this year’s 365 photos so far here
What I’m looking forward to in September:
- The weather beginning to cool down. (I hope!)
- Link to the one above – being able to use the pool without being stifled with humidity.
- More squash playing. Realised how much I missed playing a sport.
- Watching more Manhattan. It’s definitely one of my favourite shows of the summer.
- On the subject of TV – return of Fall TV! Though, I don’t know what I’ll be watching next season. So out of touch.
- Try to get some more film watching under my belt.
How’s your August been?
Looks like things are going your way, Jaina. Good stuff! My own August wasn’t quite so swell, but gotta try and stay positive, right? 🙂
You gotta! Who knows, your September might be amazing!
And it did whizz by 🙁
It’s going to be Christmas soon! Noooo!
Your hair actually looks amazing. It should have it’s own Twitter account!
I fear it would totally overshadow me if that ever happened.