Since coming back from holiday, it’s taken me a while to settle back into my blogging routine. Would you believe that I had written most of my blog posts back in January, and just queued them all up? I must have been on something! I’ve […]
All posts tagged “Project 365: 2014”

Project 365: 2014 – December
Just like that, Project 365 2014 is over! December’s rolled around and been out incredibly quickly. That’s what happens when you have a non-stop month. Standard for the month of Christmas and all.

Project 365: 2014 – November
It’s been a quiet November here at the blog and for me personally. A combination of nothing at all happening and then everything happening at once. For the first couple of weeks I was waiting for the man to come back from his work trip […]

Project 365: 2014 – October
Oh hey, November – you’re here already? I wasn’t expecting you so soon. See, I thought October might have been a bit longer. Well, as long as you’re here, stick around, won’t you. The weather has finally started cooling down! The couple of weeks in […]

Project 365: 2014 – September
September. The month traditionally known for the end of summer and the start of autumn. Except in Bahrain where it’s October and still pretty damn hot outside! The month itself has been business as usual with no major excitement. Honestly, these highlights are going to […]

Project 365: 2014 – August
August is going to whizz by. I can just feel it.Jaina (July 2014) Do you ever have those months that are pretty jam-packed and busy, that you forget just how much you did in the month? Last month, in August, the OH and I were […]

Project 365: 2014 – July
July – the month of my birth and my favourite month of the year. Though not because of the birthday. Personally, not a fan of birthdays. While I make every mental effort to think of them as any other day, I usually fail at that. […]

Project 365: 2014 – June
Just like that, June is over. I think you can call me settled in my new home. Definitely settled. Got my daily routine going. Even managing to inject some exercise in every day. What was I up to in June? Well, there were a couple […]

Project 365: 2014 – The half way mark
Can you believe we’re, pretty much, half way through 2014 already? Unbelievable. The year has flown by. Despite the laws of physics telling me that no such thing can actually happen. Thought it was a good time to stop and take a look back at […]