All Is Lost: Don’t go sailing on your own.
All time is lost! I really was trying to keep myself awake while watching All Is Lost. But I was nodding off pretty furiously. Put this down to a combination of actually being tired, but mostly trying to maintain some level of concentration on a film that had nothing drawing me into it.
Watching Robert Redford bob around on the sea for just shy of two hours while every stranded-at-sea cliché is thrown at him got a little tiresome. I was okay with most of the clichés but then they just had to throw a shark in there. Well, a few sharks.
I get it. At the end he had to think he had lost everything to save himself. I get it. There was no feeling one way or another as to the outcome of Robert Redford’s character.
Save your time, watch Cast Away instead. Which is longer. But better.
I’m with you on this one. Like I said in my review, there is a moment where he screams Fuck!, which was exactly what I was thinking when I saw how long I still had to go. At the end of the screening the audience actually started laughing…and this was at a festival. Didn’t like it either, like you I’d rather see Cast Away
Haha! I think that was the point where I broke too. Just a terribly dull film.