It should be noted, sofa shopping is not fun

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I have been looking for a new sofa set, on and off, for about 4 months now. And yet, I haven’t seen anything I remotely like. I’ve been to see sofas everywhere, from Furniture Village to John Lewis to Dwell and everywhere in between.

I’m either being incredibly picky or there is nothing out there. I’m going for the former. I felt like Goldilocks – this one’s too soft, this one’s too small. Sigh.

The current sofa set I have in my house are probably over 10 years old. They’re cream coloured and made of leather. So, they haven’t aged well. Also, in the one place on the sofa I sit most of the time, I tend to sink into the seat a little bit too much.

I did see something with possible potential on the weekend. But my thoughts were rudely interrupted by a pushy salesman telling me that the sofa might not be there again tomorrow or later and I better buy it now – with 0% credit!

I love having my own place but I’m finding I’m getting very particular about what I put in it.


  1. Whoa, salesman needs to back off! The minute I so much as catch a hint of the hard sell, that’s me gone.

    I hope you find the perfect sofa soon 🙂 I saw an advert recently, DFS I think, and they had the most horrendous looking floral sofa on there. You know, the kind your great-great-great grandmother might have bought back in her day? Yuck. *shudders*

    • I do wonder about people’s taste in sofas. There are some ridiculous looking things that all furniture shops seem to have right now!

      I do not respond to the hardsell, and glad I’m not alone.

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