All posts filed under “Life

When the light hits just right

There’s a very specific time of day when the light turns my home into something… magical. The time doesn’t last long. It happens every day. And every day, it always feels just as amazing. What I love most about these scene is how it’s more […]

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2020 in photos

Four hundred and seventy two photos. Surprised even myself going through my Lightroom catalog. For a year that was spent mostly indoors, I’m a little bit impressed with myself. (And that number’s going to go up with some last-week-of-the-year images.) The collective universe categorised 2020 […]

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Black and white photo of a close-up of a lampshade with shadows of blinds on one side.

A shadowy stay-at-home story (part 2)

This isn’t as sinister as the title may suggest. The stifling of creativity I mentioned before took me down some “dark” paths. I kept hunting for moments in time, shadows, light, and texture—those things that I miss on my day-to-day of just being at home. […]

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A stay-at-home story (part 1)

For the last six months, my world has been the world enclosed in the walls that I live in. Like almost everyone in the world. It’s my gym, my cinema, my bar, and my occasional restaurant. I would have added “it’s my office,” but my […]

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Making good on a resolution

Making good on a resolution

At the end of last year, one of my blog resolutions for this fair blog was to bring more me to my posts. Five months into this year, I’m not entirely convinced I’ve been very successful about that thus far. While I’ve posted some more […]

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And I’m back from the land of plenty

And I’m back from the land of plenty

Back from ‘Murica and still extremely jet-lagged (Though I don’t think we fully ever adjusted to US time.). A full rundown of antics will be up soon. When I’m a bit more with it and able to write something coherent down. Just to tease you […]

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Out in Bahrain: Manama Souq

Out in Bahrain: Manama Souq

According to Wikipedia a souq is defined as… A souq or souk is an open-air marketplace or commercial quarter in Middle Eastern and North African cities. The equivalent Persian term is “bazaar”. I guess you could the Manama Souq is kind of like that. A […]

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See you in a couple of weeks!

It gives me great pleasure to say, see you in a couple of weeks! I’m off on holiday and will be back on the 8th of March. Where am I going? Well, I’m heading to the States. First stop, Phoenix, Arizona. Then we’ll be heading […]

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January Recap

The January Recap

Like my 365 project rundown for January showed, it’s been a quiet month. And I have really, really enjoyed it. The great thing about having a nice, quiet and somewhat frugal month is getting to stay in and just consume film after film after film. […]

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