So my 365 project for this year has failed. Again. First it just stalled. Then, epic failure.
Well, the use of the word epic might be a little strong. But I started out with such high expectations. Heck, it’s got its own category. I don’t create blog categories willy nilly!
I think failure was more eminent after the partial death/comatisation of my laptop. It just made it harder for me to keep up with the sorting and processing of my shots. Which made me less inclined to take more shots out of fear I wouldn’t be able to keep up.
And then I just plain faced forgot.
At some point I will post the rest of my green themed photos I was taking as part of May’s monthly theme. There’s more than I care to think about to sort through!
I do think I want to try some more mini projects. Like I did last year with the 30 day black & white challenge. Maybe mini projects are the way to go.
(I am beginning to wonder whether I actually did that 365 Project back in 2010. Was it real? How on Earth did I do that?!)
Hey Jaina, don’t beat yourself up, girl. Maybe just change your project name to something more attainable. Seriously it’s hardly a failure, let alone an epic one. You’ve done a bunch of amazing photography posts that everyone have enjoyed, keep up the great work, girl!
Thank you Ruth! I have a tendency to be hard on myself most of the time.
I will keep up with the photos though. I can’t not 🙂
Thanks for the encouragement!
That’s the spirit! 😀
I am with Ruth here Jaina, chill!!
I really wouldn’t worry about it. The more you do the harder the task will seem
Yes, to your last sentence. Need to heed your statement and just chill!
Don’t be so hard on yourself! At least you made a commitment to take more photos, that’s what it’s all about. Plus, when we pressure ourselves for a photo a day, it can be stressful and maybe our work suffers. I like mini challenges!
Yeah – I remember doing the 365, it’d get to 8pm and I’d be trying to find things in my house to take photos of! Pressure!
365 projects are pretty hard, which is why I’ve not attempted one yet. Don’t beat yourself up over it too much. I gave up on my 52 photo walks idea that I had, but will restart it at some point.
I take part in a flickr challenge in October, 31 pictures taken over the course of the month (one per day or a bunch of em If I can’t think of anything). Tough challenge but it helps develop my skills. This is what I did last year for the flickr challenge (it may have involved hanging out of a window during a rather wet day)
This is a written warning for your 365 Project failure. This is the last one!!!! 😀
Yes! If I haven’t learnt by now, clearly there’s something wrong with me!
I’m agreeing with the common consensus . . . don’t be so hard on yourself, Jaina! All your big and small projects are pretty awesome, and they inspire me to start my own. I’ve already gone through a one-month hiatus in blogging this year! Trust me, no one is perfect at this blogging thing 🙂
Blogging is definitely harder than people think! Though it’s the pressure we put on ourselves that makes it the hardest.