After all the moaning about the weather (Something us Brits know how to do perfectly.) we finally have some sun! I might actually go as far as to say that it felt somewhat like summer this weekend. I can’t remember the last time we had weather like this. I’m sitting here, it’s nearly 10pm, the back door and all the windows are open and I don’t even feel a tiny bit cold. FINALLY!

The weather was so good this weekend I finally put the garden furniture out. I haven’t had them out at all so far this year. Milestone!
Much like a lot of Brits out there, as soon as the sun comes out, everyone’s in their gardens keeping busy and getting things tidy. This was definitely in my schedule, but sadly I had resigned myself to be spending some time indoors in front of my laptop doing some work.
First things first though. The weekend started on Friday evening and my weekend went off with a most excellent start as The Dark Knight Rises was finally out in cinemas. I of course had to see it on Friday night. And I did. And I loved it. You can read my rather lengthy and spoiler filled thoughts here. Cliff notes? I loved it very much. So much, I’m planning on seeing it again on Tuesday night!
The Dark Knight Rises was my only filmic event of the weekend sadly. Well, not sadly. I was too busy enjoying the weather! Or rather, making the most out of it.
Saturday was due to be a busy day. I had a few hours of work to do, followed by dog walking at Dogs Trust, followed by more work and then some gardening. My morning’s work got a little bit distracted. See, I couldn’t get started with my work until I’d written up my thoughts on The Dark Knight Rises. Sad. I know. But I needed to get it all down and written out!
Walking the dogs was nice on Saturday. Sunny. A little squishy underfoot. But not enough to give me wet feet. I walked one slightly crazy dog and one completely adorable one. The slightly crazy dog pulled so much on the lead that the marks on my wrist have only just faded. Ouch.
Despite being ever so sightly knackered after the walking the lawn in my garden wasn’t going to cut itself:
Yep. That was the state of it. It’s rained for such a long time! Thankfully, it now looks like this!
So much nicer. It was hard work though. I love my garden, but sometimes I wish it’d shrink whenever I needed to do the lawn.
Sunday’s been a lazy day filled with more gardening, dim sum and sitting in the garden. Finally finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It got a bit painful towards the end. When I mean painful, I mean boring. I just wanted it to end. On the fence about whether I want to read the rest of the books in the series. Currently leaning towards not.
Now I’m counting down the days until I go off to Portugal to see my olds. 9 days to go! And only 1 more day until I can see The Dark Knight Rises again. Obsessed? Me? Never.
To get your Monday’s off to a nice start, why not take a read of these beauties:
- Rachael looks like she enjoyed the weekend’s weather as much as me
- Dan posts his thoughts on The Dark Knight Rises
- Prometheus is Retconned Crap
- Take part in the movie confessions blogathon – I did!
How was all of your weekends? Films? Dark Knight Rises? All of you other Brits enjoy the weather?
You got more things done than I did this weekend. LOL
I hate when the doggies pull when on a leash. I envy dog owners that don’t have the problem. I guess it’s my fault. I should take the dogs out more often.
I say…watch Dark Knight Rises again. YOLO!!!! Hey, I saw Titanic 11 times in the movie theater. Not my proudest moment, but I was kid by then. What did I know! LOL I’m going to see DKR on Tuesday and I can’t wait!!!
Have fun in Portugal. I’ve never been! Will you be blogging while traveling?
I’m lucky with our dog, Cody, she doesn’t pull. Well, until she sees another dog! Or fox. Or pigeon. Or any other bird. Or cat. Ok…
11 times?! I can forgive you for that. I think I saw it 5 times in the cinema! I’m off to see it again tomorrow night – can’t wait!
I think I’ll be taking my laptop with me. I’m only gone for a week, but think I might sneak in some work while I’m away. Can’t sit still!
It is about time we had some decent weather, it feels like we have had four months of constant rain. I really hope the summer lasts!
I have always wanted to go to a dog home and volunteer to walk the dogs but as I have three of my own at home it would feel like I would be cheating on them and I don’t think they would ever forgive me.
Nice job on the lawn by the way!
I hope it doesn’t last too long – I want the weather to be miserable here when I go away for a week! Mean? Yes. 😀
Aww, 3 dogs?! Yeah, it would be cheating on them, but cheating on them in a very charitable way. When I came home after dog walking when the family pooch was home, she did sniff me somewhat cautiously with a look on her face, “And where have you been…?!”
That lawn is a nightmare. But it always looks so nice when freshly cut.
Three Jack Russells… long story.
The dog rescues just break my heart, I just can’t go in because I wouldn’t be able to stop myself taking one home with me and I don’t know how the three I have would react to a new face. I sponsor a kennel, so I try to do my bit.
I was sorely tempted one week. She was so cute. I wanted to bundle her up and just drive away!
I would love for some cold, rainy weather over here! It has been non-stop heat in Chicago (well, most of the U.S., really) and there doesn’t appear to be an end in sight.
Sounds like a productive weekend! I started reading TGWTDT not too long ago but only got about 50 pages into it. Wasn’t really clicking with me, and after seeing two film versions I think I got my fix. 😀
I was in a cafe the other day and they had BBC World weather on. Brought up a map of the States with a big ol 38 degrees C badge on it. WTF! I didn’t realise it got that hot over there. Holy hell! Yes, have our rain. Take it away!
Yeah, the book isn’t all that great. It gets bogged down in all the financial crap, and doesn’t handle the two storylines as good as the film does. Think I’m going to skip the others. I did try!
Good for you Jaina!! It’s been sooo dogone hot over here I actually like it when it rained! Too bad it rained Sat morning when my hubby was doing the triathlon!
Ooof! Really? Well, guess rain is better than unbearably hot where people are close to heat exhaustion.
I am so happy the weather is nice again!! We are all set to fly off in our trailer tent again from tomorrow!! woohoo CAN NOT WAIT!!
So excuse me for not being quite as active as normal!
You’ve chosen a fantastic week to get away! Hope you’re enjoying yourself 🙂
You are officially excused 😉