Recently got tagged by Nostra of My Filmviews in the Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters blogathon.
What is then Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters?
Created by Dell from Dell on Movies, it’s a relay race of of a list of who bloggers think are the ten most iconic female movie characters.
What are the rules?
A list of 10 iconic female movie characters has been made. That list will be assigned to another blogger who can then change it by removing one character (describing why they think she should not be on the list) and replacing it with another one (also with motivation) and hand over the baton to another blogger. Once assigned, that blogger will have to put his/her post up within a week. If this is not the case the blogger who assigned it has to reassign it to another blogger. After you have posted your update leave the link in the comments below and I will make sure it gets added to the overview post.
Dell started the list up, who passed it on to Nostra and now here’s the list with my addition:
Ellen Ripley
Holly Golightly
Princess Leia
Dorothy Gale
Sarah Connor
Nurse Ratched
Foxy Brown
Scarlett O’Hara
Lisbeth Salander
Here are a bunch of characters from films which I haven’t seen. Shame. Holly Golightly, Nurse Ratched, Foxy Brown, Scarlett O’Hara – I may have not seen your films. However, the fact that I know your characters just shows how iconic your characters are.
Who have I taken out? Mary Poppins. Don’t get me wrong, she’s fantastic at looking after kids. Singing with Dick Van Dyke and all that jazz. But she’s not iconic to me. Forgive me.
Who am I adding?
Tough decision. Instantly, when I read ‘iconic female character, my mind instantly goes to Sarah Connor or Ellen Ripley. But they’re already in!
So I’ve gone for Marge Gunderson from Fargo. Bare with me.
When I first saw Fargo, I didn’t expect much from Marge. But she’s one heck of a strong female characters. She’s determined, intelligent and while heavily pregnant able to not take anyone’s shit. And she’s NICE. She’s a bad ass, but nice while she’s at it. Think she fits in perfectly among these gals.
Now, I’m passing the baton on to Ruth from FlixChatter.
Niiiice. Marge is awesome, and definitely a great pick for this blogathon.
Thanks Eric! Took me a while thinking about one though. Tough decision.
Frances McDormand was memorable in Fargo. I think it definitely helped her career marrying a Coen brother
That said, she’s a fine, confident actress in her own right, and she’s good in everything I’ve seen her in.
Jaina, I took out Mrs. Robinson when it was my turn….
Love your addition though
Damn! I’ll update lol! My fault for doing this waaay past my bed time!
All fixed
Brain firmly slotted back in place.
Thanks for passing the baton! Well I was going to include Princess Leia as she was in my general Iconic Characters list, now I REALLY have to think hard as to who should be included. That’ll be easier than removing one of them though, they all seem pretty iconic to me, uh-oh!
Yeah, this was a tough one for me. Which is kinda sad, as there really should be more truly iconic female characters.
Wow, nice list. A lot of the women I would have thought to put on here are there. Especially Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor. I’d have to seriously think about it before making my addition! Nice add though, Jaina.
It was tough for me! It usually takes a lot for me to like female characters in movies and TV shows. Very few ever really stand out.
Great choice, Jaina. Leaving her off my original list was tough. Glad to see she’s found her way on. Love the pics you’ve used, especially the ones of Foxy Brown and Sarah Connor. Thanks for picking up the baton!
[…] on Movies (Dell) My FilmViews (Nostra) Time Well Spent (Jaina) FlixChatter (Ruth) The Warning Sign (Eric) Public Transportation Snob […]
Very nice. Get Mary Poppins out of here. And Marge Gunderson is a terrific, thinking-outside-the-box choice, one of my favorites. My entry here:
[…] on Movies My Filmviews Time Well Spent Flixchatter The Warning Sign Public Transportation Snob Martin Teller’s Movie Reviews Film […]
[…] it has changed from blog to blog, please check out the list out here: Dell on Movies, My Filmviews, Time Well Spent, Flixchatter, The Warning Sign, Public Transportation Snob, Martin Teller’s Movie Reviews, […]