Please let the days start to get cooler. Please? Just the other day it was about 36 degrees C outside, but the feels like temperature was in the 50s. With 84% humidity. At 1am. This. This is life in Bahrain in the summer.
By the looks of the photo highlights I’ve picked out for August 365 photos, it just looks like I spent the entire month eating. In my defence though, there’s not a lot of other things to do in Bahrain when it gets this hot. It’s either eating, going to the mall and drinking. Well, okay. Sorry. That’s not fair. But I think it’s fair to say those are probably the most popular things to do.

Breakfast is what we do as well as pizza. Biscuits, sawmill gravy baked beans, eggs, mushrooms, hash browns, toast and not forgetting the all important chai.

The month began and ended with pizza nights. Whole nights devoted to the consumption of beer and pizza. And the finest pizza if ever there were.

These guys out in the afternoon sun Talking 40C+ here happily playing cricket together. I’m missing out.

The first pizza night of the month. We do put on some excellent pizza nights, if I can be so bold as to say so. Just look at this gorgeous piece of food porn. While I may not have made the dough or shaped the pizza or made the sauce, I am proud to say that I sliced the mushrooms.

The building just never stops in Bahrain. It’s kind of amazing. But I’m always left wondering who’s going to be living in these places. Considering just how many empty places there are here…

Anish in his natural environment/favourite shop in Bahrain – Manazel. It’s a home goods store. We have quite literally spent hours at this place on previous shops.

Woohoo cinema! The cinema will never not be an exciting place for me to go.

The good thing about all the high-rise buildings in Bahrain is that you’re never too far from some gorgeous views. Especially at night when the city’s lit up like a Christmas tree.

Settlers of Catan can apparently only be played twice in a row. If you play a third time you’re asking for a world of pain. As we found out. When ever single roll of the die produced a seven. Every bloody time.
Well passed the halfway mark and I still find myself struggling with my 365 project this year. I’ve skipped more days this last month than I would have liked. Unintentionally. It always hits me that I’ve forgotten to take a photo just as I crawl into bed. I could take a lame photo of whatever is within shot of my slumbering position in bed. Or I could just not take a shitty photo for the sake of it and get to sleep. Guess which option I end up going for?
What’s in store in September? Honestly not a clue. Waiting for a few things to be confirmed before I can dive into the new month.
How are your photo projects going? Stay strong, we’re on the home stretch! Well, we’re past the hump anyway.
Please come back here and make me pizza
All the pizzas!
First: eating, shopping, drinking – the three things I am exceptionally good at. Second: slicing mushrooms is the MOST important part of pizza making. Third: I love that your cinema knows that Coke makes popcorn double the fun. Because it does. Obviously. š
Haha, I totally forgot that little bit of cross-selling marketing stuff on the concession stand. It made me have a bit of a lol when I was there. I wanted to ask someone….HOW
I’ve been hearing a lot about Settlers of Catan, worth it?
Completely and utterly. Not forgetting the 5-6 player expansion pack. One of my favourite board games.
Yay for making it so far! You can do it! Nothing wrong with a little food photos :). Pizza looks great!
Cheers, Lisa!
I failed totally at my 365 redux project – only got to 1st March! Shame on me. Did you see Ant-man? I saw it under sufferance (with the kids) and was pleasantly surprised.
Oh shame! I really enjoyed seeing how you re-edited photos. It was a great spin on the 365 project.
Not seen Ant Man yet – waiting for it to roll around to the small screen. Love me some Paul Rudd!
Oooh, some of these are making me hungry!
Then my work here is done š