Formula One cars are fast. My favourite game to play at the Bahrain Grand Prix is to see how many photos I can take of the cars that aren’t blurry! Over the past few years, I have got pretty good at taking panning shots of […]
All posts tagged “Bahrain International Circuit”
Colours under dusty skies
There are only a handful of different types of weather in Bahrain—hot, not so hot, and dusty. This day was a dusty day. It’s not just the sky that turns a boring shade of grey—everything does. Everything at the Bahrain International Circuit is grey or […]
The sea down below
The aforementioned crowds down below at the Bahrain International Circuit, during the Bahrain Grand Prix. Taken less than an hour before the big Formula One race, the crowds were at their biggest. People flowing in and around the area, heading to the grandstands to find […]
From up above
This past weekend was the Bahrain Grand Prix, and the best time to take a bunch of photos—from the races to the people all around. And there are usually so many people around, everywhere. Vast crowds of people, going from one place to the next. […]
Out in Bahrain: Drag and Drift Night
It’s been a while since I’ve written about doing anything “out and about” in Bahrain. Summer hits and it’s too damn hot to even want to do anything. Thankfully, the weather is now beginning to break! Days are still hot, but more bearable. The evenings […]
Out in Bahrain: Bahrain GP
Before the heat really sets in, it feels like all of Bahrain is trying to get in as much outdoor activity as possible. A few weeks ago there was the Redbull X-Fighters Jams and just last weekend it was the pretty damn epic Formula 1. […]
The first bank holiday weekend in Bahrain where much too much fun was had
As Mel said not too long ago, the only time someone asks how your weekend was is because they want to tell you how their weekend was. Yep, that’s what I’m doing here. How did y’all spend your bank holiday weekend? It was my first […]