Like my 365 project rundown for January showed, it’s been a quiet month. And I have really, really enjoyed it. The great thing about having a nice, quiet and somewhat frugal month is getting to stay in and just consume film after film after film. […]
All posts tagged “Work”

The catch-up post
Hello everyone! How is everyone doing? Looks like summer time has finally hit us here in the UK. Timing has been perfect. Considering I’ve just come back from a long spell in Portugal where I’ve gotten used to 35 degree heat and a swimming pool […]

The story so far
It’s now just over a two weeks since my last day at my old job. So what have I been up to? In terms of percentages, 60% working and 40% spent on Cody. Most of that 40% is hoovering up all the hair she’s shedding […]

A very fond farewell
Friday was my last day at my, then, current job. I’d been working as a web producer at Net A Porter for just about a year. Not long at all. Though, in that one year I learnt a heck of a lot. Had a lot […]

It’s the final countdown!
Yes, I have Europe’s The Final Countdown stuck in my head. See, this time next week I’ll have finished with my current job. It’s finally starting to sink in but I don’t think it’ll truly feel real until next Friday. I’m filled with weird feelings […]

Taking a big next step
So the other day I took one big step to making a fairly big change in my life. Well, a baby step towards the big change. I handed in my notice at work. I’ve had a good time at my job. I’ve got no resentments […]

Photo of the day: Unbeatable Wotsit fiend
That’s what I was dubbed a couple of days ago due to my new addiction to Wotsits. I don’t know when it happened. Well, actually that was last week. But my god, I have found a new love for these things! Also, I’m not cheese’s […]

Photo of the Day: Working, working, working
Today I have been mostly working on this. New layout for my portfolio. I wanted to get it done tonight, and most likely would have, had I not realised I do need sleep as I am going to attempt to get up earlyish tomorrow for […]

Photo of the Day: Wednesday 20th January
Inevitably I thought I’d have to have at least 1 photo of some place in my actual work place, rather than around it. This is it. This is my keyboard and my computer and various knick knacks littered on my computer. Yes I’ve got one […]