Because there’s nothing like the big screen

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Going Out

Can I just tell you something extraordinarily exciting right now? One of the most exciting and unexpected things I have experienced here in Bahrain, so far.

Going to the cinema.

Stay with me here. Back in England I was beginning to, not hate, but not quite enjoy my cinema experience. Extortionate ticket prices. Combined with having to sit with a bunch of people who are clearly more interested in what was happening on WhatsApp or Facebook than watching the film they had paid to see.

The whole ‘normal’ cinema going experience was starting to grate on me. Sure I could go to a lovely Electric Cinema or Everyman Cinema. But they just weren’t convenient. And sorry, I need convenience. No, I’m not sorry. I demand convenience!

Back to Bahrain. This past Sunday the OH and I went to see X-Men: Days of Future Past at the cinema in City Centre Mall. He’s been here nearly a year and not been to the cinema once. It’s taken my arrival to make this happen.

We get there with no real notion of how much tickets are going to be or what the screens are going to be like.

Cinema time in Bahrain

I’m back in the land of actual cinema tickets! No more ratty pieces of paper/receipts. But actual tickets. I never knew I missed tickets so much.

First surprisingly good thing that hits us – the price of tickets

It cost both of us 6BHD, in total, to see the film. That’s around £10. TEN POUNDS. I can’t even get one cinema ticket for that price in London!

Then they have other screens where there are bigger seats and the like. Even then both of us can get a massive two-seater like sofa for about 12BHD. I think that’s just under £20 for two. Still incredible value for the both of us.

Secondly the screen

MASSIVE screen. Somewhere in between the average VUE cinema screen and their Xtreme screen. So huge. And also the seats – insanely comfortable with massive backs. There is absolutely no chance of a head being in your way. Perfect for short people like me. While we’re on the topic of the screens, can I share with you just how clean it was? Well, I will. It was spotless! No squeaky feeling underfoot. The seats were all clean. Sounds like I’ve been going to the roughest cinemas in London. But no, my usual place was the VUE cinema in Westfield, London.

Thirdly, the people

Barely a peep out of anyone. Sure a phone or two went off here and there. But nothing like what you get when I used to go to the cinema. People show a bit more respect to not only where they are, but to the people around them.

Of course, this was a Sunday. Which is a work day here. The beginning of the working week. So you could attribute some of the quietness to that. The screen was mostly empty. But, let me have my win here.

Very glad that the cinema experience here was a good one. There are so many films I just have to see this summer!


  1. Happy to hear tales like this, Jaina. The unspoiled magic of the cinema is quite something. As you say, it’s been vanishing before our eyes of late.

    • Yes it has. Especially in the mainstream where the masses go to the cinema. It’s no longer as magical as it once was.

  2. Wow, that is amazing! I watched X-Men with Mr.T and my brother-in-law and the amount of people that came in to the cinema in the first 20 minutes was ridiculous! Bear in mind this was on a Saturday though.

    What did you think of the film? Mr. T enjoyed it, but I think it was a sort of filler film for the next one.

    • Yeah, I remember I tried to avoid cinemas on a Saturday over there. Or if I did, it would be a morning showing. Just ugh.

      I really enjoyed the film. A lot. Lots of interesting things going on!

  3. You should have come out to the country – no £10 tickets here!

    Admittedly, we don’t tend to get many films…

    • Bahrain is an Islamic country. So their weekend is Friday/Saturday as Saturday is their holy day. Think of Friday as Sunday. Their day of rest and worship.

      I will be sharing a review. As soon as I get round to writing it 😉

  4. That’s pretty awesome. I love going to cheap movies. Looks like Bahrain is turning out to be a good move for you.

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