While a lot of other 365-ers out there are taking photos of the beautiful Autumn weather, much of my September looked the same as my August, July, and June. That’s what Bahrain’s got going for it – consistency.
September saw me take part in my first Instagram Challenge – Tales of September, set up by Tori. Taking photos based off of prompts isn’t something I’m good at. Especially with me never leaving the home during work weeks. So it was challenging! Worth it. However, not sure I’ll be taking part in another for a while…
I’ve spent the last few days of September in London. This #emailgeek was very happy to have finally gone to her first Email Design Conference and have another go at this speaking malarkey! Excellent experience all around and would totally do it again.
And as I write this from my old home in the UK, I’m looking forward to be heading back to my real home in Bahrain on Sunday.
September saw me slide even further with the photo-a-day challenge. I’m hoping the change of scenery that the end of this month will give me that boost that I need to get back into things for October.
Keep up with all my 365 photos as I add them to this album. And occasionally to Instagram.
You travel WAY more than I do, Portugal, Bahrain, London! Those are orchids, right? I love them because they need so little watering, and they give a white background some colour!
Haha, I think this year’s a blip!
Those are orchids, the OH got them as a birthday present and now it’s my job to keep them alive! They are beautiful – perfect low maintenance house plant.
Your Tales of September has been wonderful to follow. And I want to know what’s sprouting in that container. Those tiny leaves look adorable. 🙂
Every time I think i’d like to commit to a challenge (especially a 365 one), I’m reminded that I’m me and lack the necessary staying power to keep the momentum going. Even a month sounds hard!
How has it felt being back in London?
Sadly what was sprouting in that container was sort of dying at that point 🙁 I got a packet of those ready to grow radishes, where you just add water. Well, I added water and it seems like they didn’t like Bahrain. At all. No radishes for me!
Being back in London was… strange. If I could use that word. It doesn’t quite feel like home anymore, despite getting around and everything being second nature. It felt so big after being in Bahrain!
Good job keeping up when you can. I like the lights one. Showing that you don’t need to be outside in the sunshine to take great photos.
Thanks Lisa! And I’m so rarely outside these days. Life of the home worker, eh?
Well I, for one, am glad you joined in ToS as much as you did as it led me to your wonderful blog; these photographs are beautiful by the way. Also I am glad to hear the conference was a success! I hope that October has given you the boost you needed 🙂
Thank you so much, Mo! Really appreciate the kind words 🙂 Maybe one day, a lot later, I’ll try another Instagram Challenge. I need a wee bit of a break for now 😀
Doing a 365 project? Amazing. Amazingness. Because I for one pay so much more attention to something when I searching for a photograph to take (I need them…my memory is shocking!) therefore this is right up my alley.
Thank you for taking part. It has been a joy to get to know you, where you live, the thoughts you’re having, the things you are missing (in the nicest way possible!). So yes, grateful. I am. Slightly Yoda-ish but fine. He knows stuff.
Yes, this will be my second concurrent year of doing a 365. First time I did one was back in 2010 and I’ve been trying to complete another one ever since. Hoping I can get this year down too!
Definitely fun taking part – challenging too! Totally agree that the challenge was a great way to learn about people from all over. Kind of missing the community a little bit now. Will have to check in again soon 🙂
Nice to meet you Jaina. Saw you over at Ink + Adventure, so I decided to have a look 🙂 Nice snaps. Geez, it makes me want to have a better camera. Gah! I must splurge soon – maybe for the holidays! I particularly like the one of your silhouette.
Hi Lani! Thanks for popping over here and commenting 🙂 Always great to see new faces.
Well, you know what they say – the best camera is the one you have on you. But, totally splurge when you can 😉 Just having a decent camera is enough of a motivator to make me want to take more photos.