A return to furniture shopping woes

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I hit the furniture shops again on the weekend. To get another opinion on sofas. This time from the parental units. Went to the exact same places as before and I think I came away with an even worse experience from DFS than before.

My mum just asked about the price of a sofa set and immediately the sales person came back with how DFS have 10 year guarantees on their sofas and 0% interest over 4 years and they don’t mark down their prices like other places, they can’t negotiate on prices and they have the best prices regardless of anywhere else. He also seemed completely uninterested when I said I wasn’t interested in buying anything on the day. Surely if a person is showing some interest in an item, a sales person should be more willing?

Sadly, I really liked a sofa set in DFS but I’m really put off from buying from there because of the sales people! I did see another sofa set I think I liked in Furniture Village and the sales people there seem to be less pushy and have a better sales tactic.

I mean really – who needs or cares about a 10 year guarantee on a sofa?!


  1. What a horrible experience 🙁 You’d think they would care a little more about their in-store reputation and understand the importance of good word of mouth in business? Seemingly not.

    More fool them though if it means you, and possibly other like minded customers, take their shopping needs elsewhere as a result of their pushy sales people.

    • Maybe the percentage of people that sales tactic works is higher than the percentage of people it doesn’t. Either way, I’ve decided against DFS!

      • I think you’re right, and big chains can get away with crappier sales service I suppose. But big cheer for at least one customer not won over by DFS! *Team Jaina*

        • Pfft! Hell no. What was funny was the Furniture Village sales person poo-poo-ing DFS. Apparently they have too many TV ads and are too in your face!

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