February’s challenge is done and moving straight on to March. I’ve loosely called this Time. Previously I had planned on only taking a photo in the same place at different times of the day a couple of times in the week, but instead I’m going to do it every day. At as many different times as possible.
I’m basing it on a photo I took a couple of years ago for my 2010 365 project:
I’m hoping to get lots of different and nice looking reflections. Just my luck, I bet most of the month will be rainy and dull and horrible. Ah well, here I go!
Looking forward to the reflective photos of March. Love the photography you share on your page Jaina!
Thanks T! I think I was right though about March being a bit of a bust – just rain and clouds!
Love this pic – and I think it is because it is quite simply yet so captivating. My problem is never knowing where to find a great pic even when it is staring me in the face. I like the composition of this one, the reflection and the colours as well as the out of focus street lights in the background.
It takes a little bit of practice and just going out and snapping like mad sometimes. I like taking photos of the every day and mundane and try and find a little beauty in it. Mostly because that’s all I’ve got to take photos of!
…I know what you mean about having the sort of mundane things at hand. But when you can make them interesting that is a real skill. What infuriates me is when I go out walking and have a stunning mountain view in front of me – I take the picture and for some reason it does not capture the beauty I see before my eyes. Practice I guess.
…by the way, I’ve included you in my 7×7 Link Award meme: http://www.top10films.co.uk/archives/11244
I have huge problems with landscapes. I can never really capture what my eye sees. I just put that down to my brain being better than my camera 😉 Practice is a huge part of it and like anything creative, you’ll never stop learning.
Dan I am pretty damn floored you mentioned me in that meme! Thank you SO much!
[…] for March, I decided to have the theme of Time. I set out to take a photo every day from the same point at different times of the day. I admit […]