Looking for photos for the Things I Miss Most About Winter in Lightroom, stumbled across this photo of Cody.
Cody loves the camera. She’s a dog. How could she love the camera? It’s probably more the attention she got. If I had my camera in my hand and I was taking a photo of something that wasn’t her, and she was craving some attention, she’d do everything in her power to disrupt me.
Again, this is probably the dog-person in me saying this, but Cody knew how to look in front of the camera. Grab her attention by saying her name, and she’d be on point! Though, she’s also the only dog we’ve had that I’ve taken photos of who has managed to have her eyes shut in the shot.
Every time I look at this photo, I can see it kick into action. She’ll lay dormant and just stare. The tail will start to flick back and forth. Just waiting for a reaction from you. Before long, she’s lost her patience and just wants to play.
I love that gorgeous girlie!
Awwww, great photo! Love the eyes and her expression. LOL my dog is the opposite. When I pick up the camera, she curls up or walks away.
Axel, our previous GSD, was like that. Though, he was still a hell of a photogenic chappie!
Cody looks exactly my childhood dog Chico. We Muslims are not allowed to keep dogs unless if we really need to and we had Chico because our house were broken into and my dad’s wrist were tied and mom’s jewellery taken and he was such a good guard dog as well as a companion 🙂 Very playful boy. He was adopted by our neighbor when we had to move to another state.I sure miss him
Oh wow! That is some ordeal your parents went through. German Shepherds are so incredibly protective of their family. One of their traits I adore so much.
Awww, what a sweet photo! My fur baby can be a ham in front of the camera and other times he wants NOTHING to do with the camera. I guess it depends on the day.
Cody is adorable and VERY photogenic 😀