It’s 2015’s World Photography Day today and I’m using it as an excuse reason to post some of my favourite photos I’ve taken this year. Photography is something I enjoy. A lot. I can get lost in it. Working forever to get that perfect shot […]
All posts tagged “Cody”

Project 365 – 2015: July Recap
Blogging wise, July has been a lazy month. Unintentionally lazy. There are a whirl of ideas for posts in my head. But I can’t seem to get them down here. Call it some sort of mental block. Or just call it what it is – […]

Portugal – my home away from home
Mentioning to anyone that my parents live in Portugal confuses the heck out of whomever decided to ask. They’ll look at me and, if they’ve just met me, wonder whether I’m from Portugal. But my name’s not really European. So what gives? (Things get really […]

Photo: That playful glare
Looking for photos for the Things I Miss Most About Winter in Lightroom, stumbled across this photo of Cody. Cody loves the camera. She’s a dog. How could she love the camera? It’s probably more the attention she got. If I had my camera in […]

The Things I Miss Most About Winter
This is my first full winter out of England. And while it’s lovely waking up to sunny skies every day. Being able to go out without having to wrap up. Or wondering if it’ll rain and do I need a brolly. I’m finding there are […]

Project 365: 2014 – The half way mark
Can you believe we’re, pretty much, half way through 2014 already? Unbelievable. The year has flown by. Despite the laws of physics telling me that no such thing can actually happen. Thought it was a good time to stop and take a look back at […]

Project 365: 2014 – February
Check me out – second month of Project 365 down and still going strong. Sort of. Again, I missed/forgot a couple of days here and there. But, it’s not a biggie. Despite February being a short month, especially compared to the mammoth January, it felt […]

Project 365: 2014 – January
One month into my project: 365 for 2014 and it’s been … okay. In the sense that I haven’t struggled. Happily taking photos on my phone instead feeling the need to have to take them with my camera. Oh and I forgot a day and […]

Project 365 2013/14: Day Nineteen
No 365 Project would be complete without a shot of Cody. Might not be the last one of her, while I’m here in Portugal. Maybe.