Things have been a little quiet over here since the start of the year, haven’t they? My bad. January’s usually that month that feels like it’s going on and on. Yet this year, I’m finding it hard to believe that one month of 2013 is […]
All posts tagged “Cody”

Favourite shots of 2012
2012’s Photography Project turned into a bit of a *insert raspberry sound here*. That’s the only way I can describe it. The first couple of months went well enough, but I think there was just too much for me to handle. Sadly, my general photo […]

The short summer and the long walk around Virginia Water Lake
Those of you in lovely ol’ Blighty, remember a few weeks ago when we had a summer? Yeah, it’s a fuzzy memory to me too. But managed to fish out some photos I took from that weekend when me, the brother and Cody went to […]

I think she likes it!
For the longest time we always thought Cody just didn’t like water or swimming. When she was a pup, any time anyone went for a swim in the pool, she’d run back indoors and watch from the doorway. As she got older she got more […]

Somehow, I don’t think she’s going to miss me
I can’t defend myself. This is what happens when I don’t have contact with any other human beings for a week. The mum, dad and Cody are all now off back to their home. Yeah, she’s not going to miss this. Anyone want to caption […]

The story so far
It’s now just over a two weeks since my last day at my old job. So what have I been up to? In terms of percentages, 60% working and 40% spent on Cody. Most of that 40% is hoovering up all the hair she’s shedding […]

The post with which I offend a bunch of parents
You know I said you’d probably be hearing more from me on my blog after I left my job? That didn’t really work out. I’ve been busy! However not busy with what I thought I would be. See it’s been my first week of looking […]

Snow on the weekend = fun
Last Saturday evening I was struggling home after watching another brilliant couple of rollerderby bouts. (Which Ron Howard was at! Can you believe that?!) Why struggling? It began snowing! Not just a little, but quite a frigging lot. It didn’t stop overnight and then when […]

She wouldn’t make a good secret agent
Random reason why our German shepherd, Cody, is the cutest thing in the world. She’s not allowed in the bedrooms. When she does go into a bedroom and the door shuts behind her, she can’t get out. After a few minutes we often wonder where […]